Allulose Keto Diet Sweeteners That Lower Blood Sugar

Shae Markham
6 min readMay 23, 2022

A recent addition to the FDA’s GRAS list is allulose. This sweetener was recognized by the FDA as safe, and the agency announced that it no longer has to be listed as added or total sugar. With the world moving away from regular sugar, allulose is a great way to add sweetness to products. Infusing it into products also allows manufacturers to increase their sales. Listed below are the benefits of allulose and its uses.


Xylose Sugar Cube

Xylose is a type of polysaccharide that contains a small amount of fructose and is similar to the flavor of maple syrup. It is an alternative to regular table sugar that has no calories or unpleasant effects. It is found in jackfruit, dried fruit, maple syrup, and molasses, but most of the commercially available form comes from corn, a source that is considered non-GMO.

Although it is a sugar substitute, allulose has no effect on the blood glucose level, making it ideal for people who follow a ketogenic diet, which limits sugar and carbohydrate intake and replaces these foods with ketone bodies. The FDA has issued no questions or objections about the GRAS notifications for allulose, which is a measure of the product’s safety based on scientific evidence and a consensus of qualified experts.

The FDA has added allulose to a list of safe foods for consumption, though it is not yet allowed in Europe. Studies conducted in animals have found no toxicity in high doses. However, a small number of humans have experienced digestive side effects, but these are usually temporary and mild compared to those caused by other sugar substitutes. One study on healthy young adults found that allulose can be safely consumed in small amounts. In fact, a single packet of sugar contains four grams of allulose.

Allulose has a low calorie and sugar content and is a common sweetener found naturally in fruits and wheat. It is also manufactured and added to food products. While it is a low-calorie sweetener, it is still required to be declared in the ingredient list. The FDA issued draft guidance on allulose in March 2015, which gives consumers an updated understanding of the sweetener’s safety and how to avoid it.

Although allulose is not as common as sugar, it is considered an extremely unique source of sweetness for baking. It occurs naturally in very small amounts in some plants, such as corn and wheat. It is also commercially produced, though it isn’t yet widely used in food. But researchers are trying to develop allulose from corn and fructose. It is also available naturally in some fruits and vegetables, such as monk fruit.

The only real downside to using allulose is that it is not as sweet as regular sugar. Allulose is found in plants in small amounts and food manufacturers are now extracting it for use in their products. Unlike traditional sugar, allulose doesn’t raise blood sugar levels. However, it is not completely calorie-free — it contains about 10% of the calories from table sugar.

A recent study conducted on rats found that eating foods high in allulose reduced the amount of fat and muscle in their bodies. In addition, the mice fed the allulose-rich diet did not gain as much fat as the group fed cellulose. Although these findings are not yet conclusive, it is possible that allulose could reduce the risk of fatty liver disease in humans. Until these studies can be confirmed in humans, it remains one of the best alternatives for sweeteners.


D-tagatose Sugar Cube

Allulose is a natural sugar substitute that can improve the nutritional profile of food products. Manufacturers may use these sweeteners in their formulas to reduce the calories in foods. However, consumers may be concerned about the calorie content of some products. Fortunately, these sweeteners are safe and do not contain GMOs. They are on the list of allulose sweeteners.

Tagatose has similar carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms as glucose, but it yields 1.5 to 2.4 kcal per gram. Tagatose can be produced from non-dairy sources and starches using enzymatic processing technology. D-tagatose is 92% as sweet as sucrose and contains about 2.2 calories per gram.

Palatinose is a naturally occurring sugar that can replace sucrose gram-for-gram in foods. It has similar technical properties to sucrose, making it suitable for baking. It is tooth-friendly and does not cause tooth decay, unlike other sugar alcohols. Its popularity as a sweetener has led the Hershey Co. to work with ASR Group, Inc., a West Palm Beach-based company. It also works with Bonumose, Inc., a firm in Abemarle County, Va.

Among the other sugars on the list, allulose has the highest potential for substituting sugar in foods. It is a low-calorie sweetener that offers similar sweetness to sugar but does not have the same metabolic effect. It cannot be converted into energy, and its taste is largely unaffected by the food that contains it. D-tagatose is on the list of allulose sweeteners and is an excellent replacement for sucrose and fructose.

Although D-tagatose is listed on the list of allulose sweetener, it is a natural sugar. Its biological activities are primarily focused on increasing insulin sensitivity, inhibiting postprandial blood glucose level, and reducing abdominal fat. Its hepatic activities may also affect the metabolism of glucose and fat. Its effects on obesity and diabetes are promising, but it is still important to make sure that these sweeteners are safe for consumers.

While D-tagatose are essentially the same, the process of making them is slightly different. These two sugars are extracted using a biological method and a yeast. The yeast consumes residual D-fructose in the form of ethanol. The yeast used to produce D-tagatose is also a member of the xylose isomerase family.

Kabocha extract

AKA Japanese Pumpkin

Kabocha extract is derived from kabocha squash, a Japanese pumpkin. It is naturally low in carbohydrates and a keto-friendly superfood with a zero glycemic index. The commercially available version, BochaSweetTM, is the only known kabocha extract. However, the science behind its benefits is still unclear. However, the ingredient is gaining popularity as a substitute for sugar, and its potential as a health supplement is growing.

Unlike other allulose sweeteners, kabocha extract has no calories and no glycemic index, and it is keto-friendly. It also freezes and bakes just like sugar, which means it can be used in keto-friendly recipes without raising blood glucose levels. But there are a few caveats regarding its safety and use. First, the sweetener has only minimally researched side effects, and it is generally not toxic for household pets.

While allulose is not as sweet as table sugar, it will still satisfy the taste buds. Most manufacturers blend it with other high-intensity sweeteners, such as monk fruit and stevia, to achieve the desired sweetness. In addition to being mildly sweet, allulose sweeteners are low in calories and give almost no aftertaste. Kabocha extract has the added benefit of being healthy, since it helps prevent glucose-induced obesity.

While it has zero net carbs, calories and glycemic index, allulose has fewer side effects than other sweeteners. It is also similar to sugar and doesn’t cause gastric upset or headaches in people with allergies. Kabocha extract, on the other hand, is not approved for use in the European Union. Kabocha extract is available as a powder.

Monk fruit syrup is another natural sweetener with benefits for health, including weight loss and preventing obesity. Monk fruit syrup is extracted from a small round fruit found in Southeast Asia. It contains an antioxidant called mogrosides that fights cancer and reduces blood sugar levels. Kabocha extract is a good sugar substitute but should be consumed in moderation. It is also compatible with most recipes, so it’s worth experimenting with.

Allulose keto sweeteners can be made from chicory root or kabocha extract. This extract contains a quarter of the calories of table sugar and may help improve insulin resistance. However, because of its recent introduction in the food industry, it is more expensive than most other keto sweeteners. The ingredient may also be difficult to find, as it’s expensive compared to other sweeteners.

Allulose Keto Diet information can be found on our YouTube channel. Subscribe to learn more.

Originally published at on May 23, 2022.



Shae Markham

I am a 4 year old vegan, and 15 year old body builder, who loves his dog.